Friday, May 16, 2008


Lifqual baby!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


With the world living in extreme financial difficulties, it's hard to live a life under so much financial strain. By cutting "your" necessities, you realize you would live life better and cheaper. What I mean by "your" necessities, I mean "your" things that you really don't need. Do you need a home phone? Using your cellphone is not only convenient for you, but it's convenient for the people trying to call you. Get rid of your high priced furniture and trade them in for eco-friendly furniture. Buy a bike and ride it to work. For those who have to drive a long distance, carpool or ride the train/bus, think eco.

I've learned to cut down on my expenses just to live here in California for the summer. I bought a bike and ride it to work or walk. Get fit while you do your work. Enjoy your day and have a lifqual day.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Day After

I had a karaoke night last night. Doing a duet a little intoxicated with a very intoxicated person made the night forgettable. Have a lifqual day everybody!

Friday, May 02, 2008

It's Friday Morning

And it's a beautiful day in Southern California. Have a lifqual day & weekend everybody.