As I sit here not being able to walk since yesterdays surfing accident I stare at Milo (my dog). He lays there and just stares back at me. We do this for about 20 minutes. During that time I just wondered why is he staring at me. What does he want from me? Why am I acting like this? I think its a side effect of the medicine.
What if I never surf again? My life would never be the same. As I continue to stare at Milo I feel depressed because he isn't doing anything. My friends are at the beach surfing. I can't go because if I go I'll try to surf. I got up at 4 this morning and realized my leg is still broken. What do I do now? I just went out with my crutches and made it only to my car and I gave up. Having a lifqual just isn't working for me.
Lifqual: a life that you feel is perfect but is flawed very badly. The flaw is being perfect.I say I don't like my life but if I change it I know things will be much worst. I really need to get back to surfing to get my mind off this. I have a great life and I wouldn't change it for a thing. I met a girl the other day and she's coming over after work to keep me company. I have 2 great pets. I have a neighbor that treats me like the son she never had. I live right on the beach. I have a great job. Great friends that I always have fun with. I even love everybody. Life is good, a little too good.
As I stop typing I look back down to see what Milo is doing and he is still staring back at me. I feel at home. Otis (my other dog) is doing his thing like he always does. I just pop in Cats & Dogs and he'll sit there for hours when I put on repeat but not Milo. The dogs are just like me exactly. Otis is having the fun life where everything is perfect and never goes wrong. Milo is having the life where you see if you are truly happy. Put them together and you have me. But don't let Milo fool you. He's just as active as Otis. They sometimes switch personalities on me and just become total opposites for a day. If life was that easy.
I promise my next post will be a little more cheerful. I got the surfing blues. I leave it at a happy note.
My girlfriend is back with some fettuccine alfredo with a side of fish and shrimp. Oh how I love living on the coast.