Sunday, December 30, 2007

Feel It

The 2007 year is coming to an end. With all the tabloid celebrity news ranging from Anna Nicole to James Brown to Lindsay Lohan to Britney Spears, there were other "real" news out there. I'm talking about the recent tragedy of Benazir Bhutto. She stood for what she believed in and died for a cause. With the senseless tragedy of suicide bombers taking their own lives for political reason, they were both out for the same thing. They killed each other in a wave of shrapnel and gunfire, yet nobody loses but yet makes both parties stronger. In a world full of violence and dislike, let's try and put a smile on our face to feel something. We've all smiled & laughed at some point of our lives, why not do it all the time? Have a lifqual day out there and "Feel It", feel the music.

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ysfb said...

Happy New Years!

ysfb said...

Good song