Thursday, January 25, 2007

Friendly Reminder

I forgot all about this blog.

So what's new with me? Milo and Otis are still here. I've gone through so many relationships that I just consider girls as friends and not girlfriends so I won't hurt them anymore.

I still surf, without a doubt. That has and will never change.

Stress was the reason I forgot about this blog. When things just get so overwhelmed, I just have to go out in the water by myself and just let the ocean take me in. The ocean to me is like my love, my forgiven family. It takes me where I want to go and roughs me up a little when I'm out of line. Since the water is a little cooler, I don't surf as much unless the waves are worth it.

That's about it for me today. I'll post something again later.

1 comment:

ysfb said...

I miss Milo & Otis. I'll e-mail you back to see whats going on and get your new phone number. Still in Florida?