Friday, February 02, 2007

24 Hours

I hear the sound of the waves crashing outside my open window. My alarm goes off, it's 4 a.m. It's time for me to go out and surf. The sun hasn't risen yet but I'm always up. By the time I'm ready to go, the night sky has turned a little brighter. Milo and Otis are at the door waiting for me. I grab my board and head out the door. They follow right behind me. As I walk to the beach, I can feel a slight wind blowing against my face. The air smells of nature and the sand feels wet, I am home. I dust the remaining sand off my board and slowly go into the water to test it out. It's still cold but that's not going to stop me today. Milo and Otis stay on the beach when it's this cold, they know better than I do that I shouldn't be out here. I walk into the water until it's up to my waist and then I get on my board and glide further out. I turn around and wait patiently for a wave worth me riding. I do this for hours. When I'm done, the beach begins to fill up again. I go inside and take a shower. I cook breakfast for myself and Milo and Otis. I get ready for work and I'm out the door again. I like to walk to work because I get to meet new and old friends on my way. I cheer whoever is feeling down, up. I go back home at around 4 p.m. and I can already smell my neighbor's dinner. She reminds me of my grandma and I remind her of her son. We both lost somebody we loved and find our friendship as a way of coping. I come home and leave my door partially opened. Milo and Otis run outside to use the bathroom and my neighbor comes in with a plate of my favorite seafood, fish. We talk about our day and eat. Milo and Otis play in the other room. My neighbor leaves and I begin to finish unfinished projects in life. I get a call from my girlfriend and friends to meet them outside. I grab my board and Milo and Otis follows me. I stay out there for hours with them laughing and having a good time. I come back and it's after midnight and I really need to get some sleep. I close my eyes and eventually I begin to hear the waves crashing outside my open window, then my alarm goes off, its 4 a.m.......

That's me 24/7. Have a lifqual day everybody.

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