Monday, August 04, 2008

Bridge of Sighs

Could you imagine seeing a bridge. The way you came from you're used to, but the other side of the bridge is foggy and you do not know what future is ahead once you cross it. On that other side their could be a much happier experience for you or it could become the worst decision you'll ever make in your life. Would you risk it all and cross that bridge?

The bridge would represent your life and how you live it. You know you can improve it if you just cross the bridge. But determining which way would be an improvement would be your decision. We are all capable of making big decisions so just think about it and make that decision that will be best for you and your life. Life being miserable will echo throughout your soul while life being happy will strengthen it. Enjoy your Monday and spread the lifqual!

1 comment:

ysfb said...

I have a long bridge. It ain't never ending.